2023 Digital Planner
(Free Template)
31 Jan 2023
PDF template for iPad | Goodnotes
2022 was somehow weird. We were all glad to say goodbye to the global pandemic. But it also meant we had to go back to long-forgotten old routines, old habits. No more Zoom meetings wearing pj pants, or dalgona coffee, or extra pet petting time while working from home.
Getting back to old habits was not the only challenge of 2022. We also faced a global financial recession and the laid-off wave of tech giants. Meanwhile, AIs like Chat GPT have never been so capable, which at some points holds a certain threat to the labor market. Yes, 2022 was challenging and had its ups and downs. I hope you somehow enjoyed the ride, and be ready to press the reset button when 2023 arrived.
Considering this as a forming tradition, I have created another template of the 2023 Digital Planner, so that together we can constantly take good care of ourselves, shape healthy habits toward our goals, and most importantly, collect all the little moments along the journey.
Thank you for your visit. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead.
For download link:
The template is free, but you can always buy me a coffee at Gumroad 👽